Prenditi cura del Tempio: DONA ORA IL TUO 5X1000
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Il Tempio della Grande Dea è un' organizzazione non-profit e la tua donazione del 5x1000 contribuisce a sostenere la Comunità della Dea a Roma, in Italia, e nel mondo.
codice fiscale: 15944801008
Tempio della Grande Dea Goddess Temple Rome
Transformation Goddess
WEDNESDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 2022 • 7:30 PM Italian Time
Celebrated by Terhi Saarinen

Welcome to celebrate Samhain, which is the season of the Dark Dawn, cycle of life and death. We move from extraversion (summer)

to introversion (winter).

In this ceremony we honour the Transformation Goddess.

We dive with help of the Goddess into the abyss of our emotions and subconscious and there we will find our pearl which symbolises what really matters to us.

Needed material
  • Yoga mat
  • Red candle
  • Incense
  • Diary
  • Pen
  • Lapizlazuli crystal (voluntary)
  • Pearl (voluntary)