Prenditi cura del Tempio: DONA ORA IL TUO 5X1000
Aiutaci a diffondere i valori matriarcali di cura reciproca, amore, arte, cooperazione, uguaglianza, pace e sacralità del piacere.
Il Tempio della Grande Dea è un' organizzazione non-profit e la tua donazione del 5x1000 contribuisce a sostenere la Comunità della Dea a Roma, in Italia, e nel mondo.
codice fiscale: 15944801008
Tempio della Grande Dea Goddess Temple Rome
New Moon Ceremony
WEDNESDAY 23rd NOVEMBER 2022 • 7:30 PM Italian Time
Celebrated by Marco Morgana Vettorel
free donation

Welcome to the Online New Moon Ceremony!

You are all welcome to participate in this online Ceremony to celebrate the Dark Mother on the magical night of the New Moon.

Liminal time, the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one!

This is the time to make those aspects of us sacrificed and burned on the fire of Goddess, to be ready, ready for rebirth.

Prepare yourself for the time of rebirth by freeing yourself from the accumulated tiredness, burdens and fatigues.

Open yourselves to the embrace of the Dark Mother, who with her light will illuminate your darkness to help you find the answers that are hidden within them. Trust her, and she will reward you with her balm of love and healing.

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Needed material
  • Your own glass (or a glass) filled with fresh water;
  • A cauldron (or a heat-resistant container);
  • A piece of paper and a pen;
  • A stylus candle, black color;
  • Essential oil of rose;
  • Incense, charcoal and styrax burners (failing that, rose incense stick);
  • White Sage, Palo Santo or esoteric colonies for the purification of your sacred space;
  • Your diary.