Prenditi cura del Tempio: DONA ORA IL TUO 5X1000
Aiutaci a diffondere i valori matriarcali di cura reciproca, amore, arte, cooperazione, uguaglianza, pace e sacralità del piacere.
Il Tempio della Grande Dea è un' organizzazione non-profit e la tua donazione del 5x1000 contribuisce a sostenere la Comunità della Dea a Roma, in Italia, e nel mondo.
codice fiscale: 15944801008
Tempio della Grande Dea Goddess Temple Rome
Time of Abundance
& Dark Moon Ceremony
Celebrated by Letizia Rossi | Italian Version
Online Ceremony on ZOOM

Sunday 25th September 2022
7:30PM Italian Time
Celebrated by Letizia Rossi

We welcome the Moon that precedes the one of Samhain, close to the Autumn Equinox, reflecting about the past year and also about how much our life is in balance, starting to become aware of what we want to let go of and what we want to keep.

To do this we will travel to a Magical and Enchanted Kingdom and we will connect to our inner voice, the most authentic and profound one, from which it springs our Personal Power.

Needed material
Prepare the space for the ceremony by preparing an altar dedicated to the four elements and to Aphrodite as Lady and Queen

  • Diary and pen
  • More papers to write on
  • Drum or other preferred instrument connected to the ground
  • Red or black veil
  • Dressing in clothes that make us express all our royalty
  • Incense to purify
Participate to the Ceremony, supporting the Temple of the Great Goddess!

To participate to the ceremonies we ask for a minimum contribution of €5 as a donation to support the Temple.

We thank you in advance for your care! ♥️