Prenditi cura del Tempio: DONA ORA IL TUO 5X1000
Aiutaci a diffondere i valori matriarcali di cura reciproca, amore, arte, cooperazione, uguaglianza, pace e sacralità del piacere.
Il Tempio della Grande Dea è un' organizzazione non-profit e la tua donazione del 5x1000 contribuisce a sostenere la Comunità della Dea a Roma, in Italia, e nel mondo.
codice fiscale: 15944801008
Tempio della Grande Dea Goddess Temple Rome
New Moon Ceremony
Celebrated by Alberta Pettineo
Online Ceremony on ZOOM

Tuesday 25th October 2022
7:30PM Italian Time
Celebrated by Alberta Pettineo

In this Ceremony, during the night of the Black Moon, we will prepare for a magical meeting. Abundantia, Ertha and Habondia will come to meet us and we will offer them in this time of the last harvest, our inner harvest to obtain their blessing to have, in the next turn of the Wheel, our harvest even more prosperous and richer.

Needed material

  • Candle
  • Incense
  • A sheet of paper
  • A red ribbon
  • A wicker basket
  • Seasonal fruit, dried fruit in shell
  • Autumn leaves, a few coins
Participate to the Ceremony, supporting the Temple of the Great Goddess!

To participate to the ceremonies we ask for a minimum contribution of €5 as a donation to support the Temple.

We thank you in advance for your care! ♥️