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Il Tempio della Grande Dea è un' organizzazione non-profit e la tua donazione del 5x1000 contribuisce a sostenere la Comunità della Dea a Roma, in Italia, e nel mondo.
codice fiscale: 15944801008
Tempio della Grande Dea Goddess Temple Rome
Black Moon & Winter Solstice Ceremony
THURSDAY 22nd DECEMBER 2022 • 7:30 PM Italian Time
Celebrated by Marco Morgana Vettorel
free donation

Everything in nature is continuous movement, which winds and unfolds in a spiral dance: from the vine to the ivy, from the growing trees to the rosebud, from the shell to the sea wave, from the cycle of the moon to the cycle of the sun , right down to our DNA.

On this magical occasion we are in circle (online) to celebrate this spiral movement, in a ceremony that honors the moment of encounter between the cycle of the moon and the cycle of the sun, in their darkest aspects: the night of the new moon and the winter solstice.

Lady of the moon and the sun, Goddess shows herself in her darkest aspect, the apex of the darkness of the two cycles, awaiting the rebirth of the child's light.

In this online ceremony the priest-ssa in training Morgana Marco Vettorel, in harmony with the beginning of the lunation of the wolf and, with the help of Goddess in her face of Hekate and Aphrodite, will lead you by the hand into the depths of the forest, to the search for the wolf's gifts of wisdom that reside within each of us.

Needed material
  • An image of a wolf (either illustration or photo) that you can write on the back;
  • A black candle;
  • A stylus candle, white color;
  • Essential oil of pine or peppermint (if not, replace with olive oil);
  • A teaspoon of dried pine needles;
  • A teaspoon of dried and chopped pine cone pieces;
  • Burn incense, charcoal and styrax (failing this, use rose incense sticks);
  • White sage, palo santo or esoteric colognes for the purification of your sacred space;
  • Your diary and a pen.

Through the previous cycle, with the help of our ancestors, we understood our shadow and our wounds, transforming them.

With this ceremony, exhausted from the previous work, we recognize and accept our gifts, cultivating hope, strength and energy, waiting for the time to sow.